Test yourself and see if you can debunk common myths about female gamblers.
Gambling is a man’s world, right? Wrong! Women love gambling! In fact, there are more women gamblers now than there ever have been before. The increase in female gamblers has even lead to the creation of some online casino designed to cater specifically to the fairer sex.
In spite of this fact, there are many misconceptions and myths about gambling linked to women. It’s time to debunk the many stereotypes which have built up throughout the years and start adding some fact to the fiction.
Women gambling myths
Are you ready to test your knowledge? Check out these 20 women gambling myths and facts below and see how many you can get right!

False: Although the gap between the number of male and women gamblers is narrowing and is as low as it has ever been, young men continue to gamble more than women. That being said, among gamblers age 45-64 women outnumber men.
Source: ncpgambling.org

False: Although women tend to start gambling at a later age than men according to The Independent, a growing number of women under the age of 35 are engaging in online gambling and this number is increasing annually.
Source: independent.co.uk

False: Women and men are about equal in terms of their vulnerability to gambling addiction. In some cases men are at a greater risk and in others, women. For instance, a study conducted in Sweden found that women are at a greater risk than men for becoming addictive gamblers when it comes to gambling in multiple domains.
Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

False: while Bingo is definitely one of the top gambling game favourites of women and is often associated with the gender, a UK survey showed that bingo ranked as the fifth most popular gambling activity for women.
Source: theguardian.com

True: women prefer to gamble online because they prefer the anonymity it affords them. Women feel far more intimidated, judged and exposed in a land based betting establishment, particularly when they are alone.
Source: ncpgambling.org

True: Sports betting is still a male-dominated field. Also men are more likely to take part in activities like football pools, horse racing and dog racing.
Source: gamblingcommission.gov.uk

True: Sports betting is still a male-dominated field. Also men are more likely to take part in activities like football pools, horse racing and dog racing.
Source: gamblingcommission.gov.uk

True: The vast majority of female gamblers are not as interested in poker as their male counterparts. In fact, on the whole, women gamblers tend to have lower participation in skill-based gambling activities. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule as as you can read in our interview with Sofia Lövgren. Female poker players are becoming more and more famous.
Source: responsiblegambling.vic.gov.au

True: Women feel safer, more comfortable and more in control at online casinos compared to land-based casinos. Women online gambling participation is growing, but men still make up the majority of online gamblers.
Source: Internet Gambling: Current Research Findings and Implications

True: According to an Australian responsible gambling study, men are significantly more likely than women to gamble for social reasons or general entertainment. Women, on the other hand tend to gamble for other reasons like charity or to relieve stress and boredom.
Source: responsiblegambling.vic.gov.au

True: An estimated 95% of women are escape gamblers, engaging in games such as slots, video poker, lottery and bingo. Gambling can be used as a way to escape from life and to soothe, distract and lower stress. Some women use gambling as a way to cope and forget overwhelming emotions and troubles.
Source: ncpgambling.org

True: The rise in number of online casinos has also lead to a rise in female gamblers. Now with more online casinos continuing to popup and more virtual betting games developed all the time, this number is only likely to increase.
Source: scientificamerican.com

True: According to Visually statistics, the average female gambler in the UK is in around the average age of women in the country who become mothers: 29. The theory behind this interesting facts on gambling is it could be that new mothers need something to do distract them from motherhood.
Source: visual.ly

True: Gamblers who are single and – more importantly – who have never been married are far more likely to play casino games and engage in gambling activities. This was true for both women and men according to a UK Gambling Commission study.
Source: gamblingcommission.gov.uk

False: Gambling is an activity of chance. Men and women are equally likely to win and to lose. The only one luckier than both is the House. Casinos are always more likely to win over both men and women.
Source: gaming.unlv.edu