• "Video slot machines don't have the pay table displayed on the front. Instead, you should take a look at the help screen before you start to study the winning combinations and the bonus games, if offered."

  • "While mechanical reels remain limited to 22 physical stops, today's video slot machines use virtual reels which can carry dozens of video symbols and hundreds of stops, allowing casinos to offer enormous jackpots."

  • "Make sure you know what the betting limits are before you sit down at a blackjack table. Each table has a small placard telling you the minimum and maximum bets for that table."

  • "Mechanical slot machines have everything you need to known written on the front glass. You can immediately see the type, how much it costs to play, and how much you can win for each combination."

  • "Short term results can fluctuate. Sometimes you win more than expected, sometimes you lose. This is called the standard deviation and this is what most people commonly see as 'luck'."